
I'm Maija and I was born in December!
I hope you enjoy reading my thoughts on many topics!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Learner Drivers are safe drivers!

Today I did lots of driving and being a learner I realised once again how other more experienced drivers see us learners...slow. :( I was driving up to Noosa and along the way an impatient driver in a green jeep overtook me and then as he drove ahead gave me the finger. This frustrated me because:
1. They were once drivers too...so they should know that when learning you shouldn't be going super fast
2. I'm almost finished my hours so therefore I'm not incompetent in driving and know what I'm doing. Why do drivers always stereotype learners to be always slow...what if it was a learner who was about to go for their licence the next day or even that day?
3. I was not going extremely slow...I was only 10 km/h under the speed limit which leads me to point 4.
4. Going under the speed limit is safe...if he wants to die go ahead and over take me and drive heaps fast...at least I know I'm not taking a risk with my life and those who are in the car I'm driving and I'm not the one who is going to get the speeding ticket!
I understand that people sometimes are impatient and want to be somewhere in a hurry but you won't get there if you break the road rules and an accident happen...which really isn't an accident if you could prevent it by obeying those rules! And I know some of my friends would probably hate to meet me on the road but once again I believe that safety is key!
So take that Mr. Green-Jeep-Driver!

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