
I'm Maija and I was born in December!
I hope you enjoy reading my thoughts on many topics!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

31 Days of Intentional Living Day 1

Starting late tonight I am beginning my 31 day intentional living challenge. I don't care if anyone doesn't read this because these posts are for me to keep myself accountable. I discovered this challenge on Pinterest.

First day challenge: Setting Priorities:

Your challenge for today:  Take 10 minutes and write down what is most important to you.  Be as clear and specific as you can!  Write out your goals for the next year, 5 years from now and your lifetime goals.  When you look at these goals, are the activities you are participating in aligning with your goals?  If not, it may be time to start changing up your schedule!

What is most important to me?

1. God - spending time with him and growing in my faith
2. Nathan - loving, learning about and spending time with my husband
3. Seeing or speaking with my family
4. My job - getting what needs to be done, done
5. House chores - keeping a semi-clean house
6. Losing weight - I have doctor's orders to do so! I want to get to 60kgs

I see these priorities as lifetime goals, apart from the losing weight...I hope to have kicked that one by the end of the year or by next year.

What I might need to change to help align with these goals:

1. Spend at least 10mins a day with God...I already talk to him throughout the day but I don't take time out of my busy schedule to be still.

2. Nathan and I are already pretty good at making sure we spend time with each other. But I want to make sure I show him love everyday in my words and actions. I want to make sure I uphold our relationship agreement of spending weekends mostly together and whenever we have a chance to take the opportunity to spend it in love.

3. I want to make sure I contact my family at least once a week and seeing them at least once a fortnight. I already do this but sometimes it might go a bit longer before I speak with everyone.

4. I don't want to do more than an hour's work a day at home and I want to leave work by 5pm everyday...earlier if possible!

5. Making sure I spend at least half an hour on house chores a day would be great! Some days I find I don't do anything and then I feel guilty!

6. Losing weight is my tough one! I have all these challenges planned for losing weight but my new year resolution was to do one challenge at a time. I guess in the mean time I could be focusing on eating healthy (so no more than one sweet chocolatey good thing a week...that can be my Sunday treat!) as well as getting in as much exercise as I can. I just need to be mind conscious of doing these things.

I think I have answered all the questions. I'm ready! I pray that God helps me with these goals.

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