
I'm Maija and I was born in December!
I hope you enjoy reading my thoughts on many topics!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Thoughts on thoughts

Do you ever find yourself daydreaming and then you realise that you are just thinking about something? And then you think to yourself how amazing and awe-inspiring thoughts are? And then you start thinking about thoughts and then you realise that you are talking to someone and that someone is you...and then you decide that talking to yourself isn't so bad and certainly isn't a sign of craziness because the only person in the world who understands you better than anyone else is... yourself! So you continue to talk to yourself in your own silent world...and then someone rudely interrupts as if they didn't see that you were having a conversation with yourself and asks; "What are you thinking?" and then you foolishly smile to yourself and reply, "nothing." When in fact you were thinking about something but you aren't going to respond with "I was just talking to myself about my thoughts" because then of course that person is going to think you are crazy! See! There it is...that's why people think that talking to yourself is a sign of craziness...but honestly it isn't! How can it be? You were just talking about things with someone who understands you!  Who cares if that someone was you?
Honestly, I talk to myself quite regularly but if I didn't talk to myself and had these conversations with other people there would be quite a few absurd conversations going on...That's why I keep them to myself and act normal...hmmm perhaps I am crazy after all. Or just a tad crazy...but don't worry everyone...I'm perfectly harmless. Or am I?

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