
I'm Maija and I was born in December!
I hope you enjoy reading my thoughts on many topics!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Wished for Change

If I could change something about myself it would have to be my weight. I want to be my ideal weight. I am currently working on losing it. There are several reasons I want to lose about 30kg.
1. My health
2. Increase chance of having a healthy pregnancy in the future.
3. Look better
4. Find clothes easier

I'm currently 91kg and want to be in the 60kg range. It's hard to imagine that, that is my ideal weight range. I have been over 60 kg since leaving school 7 years ago!
I have a dress I have purchased that is 2 sizes smaller than my current size. It is beautiful. I have nail wraps from Jamberry to match. I can't wear them!
My sister's wedding is in a year's time and I would love to wear that dress to her wedding! She and I are both working to lose weight. However, I think she is doing a lot more than I am. I want to slowly lose it so that I don't bounce weights. I want to know that I can control it.

Comment and let me know what is one thing you would like to change about yourself!

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