
I'm Maija and I was born in December!
I hope you enjoy reading my thoughts on many topics!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Challenge 4: That's Awesome Chuck!

Yes as I mentioned in my previous post I am now on a marathon of sorts to watch a whole season of Chuck in a week. There are 13 episodes. So I'll watch one on Sunday and then two every other day of the week!

Episode 1.
This is the only episode of Chuck I have previously seen before starting this challenge. I enjoyed it immensely...again. For those who do not know what Chuck is about, let me elucidate here: Basically it is about a computer nerd having a whole heap of world/American government secrets uploaded into his mind. And when he sees something that triggers one of the secrets he blanks out and stares into space until the entire secret has run through his mind's eye. And as for the title to this challenge it is in reference to one of my favourite characters in the series. Captain Awesome. Called this due to him saying awesome to nearly everything. That's Awesome Chuck. You know what? That's Awesome. And that Souffle is Awesome...
Episode 3.
I found it highly amusing that it took them this long to actually get their opening credits going. Well they did have the credits showing in the first two episodes but they didn't specifically go and do an animation and show who the characters are with their actor's name beside the face.
Sorry I didn't have a running commentary on all the episodes but I'm not going to sum up why I like Chuck.
1. It doesn't involve a ginormic amount of swearing, sex or drugs.
2. It involves nerds and spies!
3. It is hilarious
4. As Captain says: IT'S AWESOME!
5. It's addictive.

In all I love the series. And I can't wait to watch the other two seasons I have. So yes this challenge was SUCCESSFUL!
Next up I'm going to be leaving Bible verses around a shop!

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