
I'm Maija and I was born in December!
I hope you enjoy reading my thoughts on many topics!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Challenge 2: I talk at buses

well not really at buses. I talk to people at bus stops. That is my second challenge demanded of me by a friend overseas. Within the next week I have to go up to at least three people at a bus stop or any stop (one might be a taxi rink) and start up a conversation with them. So we will see how it goes. I actually think it might be easy. depending on what the person is like. So wish me luck and pray for me that God keeps me safe in these conversations and perhaps He may lead the conversation towards Him!

Day 1.
Challenge status: Successful!
So this morning I had started thinking that perhaps I wouldn't be up to talking to strangers and almost wanted to back out of this challenge cause I have shy tendencies...especially around unknown people on the street. So I went to work thinking I might not actually succeed in this challenge. However, when I knocked off work I started walking to my pick up stop and on the way there is a taxi zone and lo and behold there was a lady sitting there waiting for a taxi. Great opportunity I thought to do part of my challenge for this week. So as I walked past her I started a conversation with her. It went like this:
Me: Hello!
Her: Hi
Me: Where are you headed? OOH you have a cake!
(that last remark was ignored by her)
Her: Umm...the Beach
Me: Cool...Great weather for it (sarcasm)...have fun

And you want to know my thoughts on that conversation?  Well for one I thought it actually was easier than I thought. And secondly I think the victim of my first conversation for this challenge was quite surprised I was talking to her and when I asked where she was headed I think she thought I was about to offer a lift to her destination. Well sadly I don't have my licence to do so yet. But I think that I would have if I did. I mean offer a lift. Well that's one done two more to go. Hopefully this rain will let off for a bit so I can escape from this house that I am now flooded in in so I can complete this challenge. Otherwise I might postpone this till I'm able to actually complete it.

Day 7.
Challenge status: Failed.
So it turned out that I couldn't complete my challenge for this week due to a lot of rain and a lot to do during the week. I never got to be near a bus stop for the rest of the week. Well I did go to the Plaza on Friday but that was at night and I did not go near the bus stop area. So I am sorry for not having more stories to share. But I will make it my goal to unofficially to try to talk to people when I'm sitting at a bus stop cause it made me think how it is nice to be cordial and friendly to people who are waiting along with you. I mean...Who wants to sit and do nothing while waiting for a bus when there is a friendly person next to you who might just need some cheering up or someone to talk to!?
So onto the next challenge...which I haven't actually decided upon...but I will find one soon!

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