
I'm Maija and I was born in December!
I hope you enjoy reading my thoughts on many topics!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Rant on Monologues...Dramatic ones at that

Did you ever have to do a dramatic monologue for English in school? I did... every year in fact... for three years!
Because the English teachers thought it would be nice to torture us poor students who had no way of getting out of it and of course for their own enjoyment of watching us attempt to act.
I will let you know, I am not a dramatic person or at least not an actor. If I was an actor I would be an extra...simple no lines...just act yourself. I was a very quiet person through school and could sit through an entire class and not say a word (now that's talent!) But no you can not do a monologue, apparently in your head. They make you sit (or stand or whatever you do to act out the part you are playing) and talk about some thing that really has no point to it at all.
I mean, come on! How many people do you see using the skills to monologue about something in their career? Apart from those super villians.
Are the teachers trying to teach us to be insane? Afterall, I mean, the first sign of insanity is talking to yourself and isn't that what monologuing is? So from becoming insane we then can in turn become super villians? GREAT! (sarcasm hand is up)
I just would like to say if I ever wanted to learn to do an excellant monologue and act then I would have attended Drama class now wouldn't I?
So I never liked doing monologues, especially when you saw the actual drama students do them and pass with flying colours. How unfair is that? I mean shouldn't we be graded on something that we all find fairly difficult...like grammar? Afterall isn't that what English should be about? Hey now there's an idea! Actually teaching students how to write their language!

So that was my rant...about monologues...basically that is what I ranted about while I was in school.

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