Here's mine. It's quite long and I have completed a few things on it already, which I'm quite pleased about...seeing as I made this 5 years ago.
This is my list of things I want to do before I may keep growing.
So here it is:
Things to Do Before I Die
Note: If they have BOLD dates after them, it means I completed them on that date!
1. Start an orphanage somewhere
2. Marry Nathan :D 04/07/2014
3. Complete my list of books that I want to read
4. Have children
5. Live in Handorf
6. See Ireland
7. See Greece
8. See Italy
9. Be a Primary School Teacher NOV 2013
10. Meet James Marsden
11. Finish and have my songs sung by someone (someone famous would be nice)
12. See Russia
13. Watch all episodes of Dr. Who
14. Learn Finnish
15. Eat a Scotch Egg (it looks yummy...and I want to try one :)
16. see a drive in movie OCT 2015
17. Live in the 1920s (unfortunately I don't think I'll get a chance unless someone builds a time machine that actually works!)
18. Live in the 1950s
19. ok so I think I should at least put down here now to build a time machine. or find the doctor
20. dance in a public place on bubble wrap with my friends! 2010
21. Be in two places at once (this is something out of a movie/book that I love and I really like how they achieved this one)
22. Travel and stay in every state and territory in Australia (I've been to 5 already as of 2013)
23. Own a Daschaund
24. Own a Mini Cooper
25. Own or hold a real life tea cup pig! They are beyond a doubt the cutest things!
26. Visit the Glass Beach in California
27. Get my driver's licence 5/3/2012!
28. Have a ride in a wheel chair...never have I actually sat in a wheel chair! I want to do it...hopefully only for funsies! 2016 (unfortunately it was not for funsies)
29. Get my hair cut by a professional hairdresser...yes I have never had my hair cut by anyone other than my mum, sister or dad...or myself.2012
30.Be the shortest in my family...but only because everyone out grew me...I actually look forward to this me crazy but I like being short! 2011
31. get as many photos as possible before I die where I am on a round about with as many people as possible!
32. vote on an electoral roll 1 to 51 2013
33. help count up votes for an election
34. get a shirt that says Life and go and hand out lemons somewhere
35. Meet Lee Pace
36. Meet David Tennent
37. Go to a World Expo
38. Rescue and adopt at least one dog from RSPCA
39. Go on a cruise that is at least for one night
40. Go deep sea fishing
41. Catch a big fish more than 20cm
42. Own a bunny or at least pat and hold a bunny(HELD A BUNNY 2015)
43. Get to my recommended BMI
44. make every recipe in one recipe book
45. Prank Nathan really well 2016
46. Step foot on all 7 continents
47. Help a hitchhiker
48. Have a Star Wars Marathon and seriously watch all of the movies
49. Attend the Olympic Games
50. Visit the Redwood National Park
51. Bob in the Dead Sea
52. Squash grapes for preparing wine
53.See the Northern Lights
54. Go to Japan and go to a natural spa and see Bunny Island
55. Ride an elephant
56. Be an extra 2011 see me here in the red shirt: this ad was shown in cinemas and on Tv in Queensland.
57. Sit for a portrait drawing/painting
58. See the Piano Guys live performance
59. See Petra
60. Go to Morocco
So what's on your bucket list?
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