
I'm Maija and I was born in December!
I hope you enjoy reading my thoughts on many topics!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Give away Children

Firstly I would like to say and explain that this post had nothing to do with my New Year's posts. It's just something I wanted to write about.
It amazed me yesterday at work that I was offered (jokingly) two boy children instead of the money for the drinks the lady was buying for them. It amazed me further still when today at work I was again offered a boy child. What is with that?!? Is it a message to me from God or just the holidays wearing the parents out with pestering children? Whatever the case it has got me thinking about my future and how many children I think I would like to have and whether I would prefer boys or girls or both? To which my reply was...what does it matter? I love both and I think children are adorable! However, I think boys would be rather nice to have cause they are less troublesome...well actually both can be just as troublesome as the other. And really in the end I will be grateful for the children that God will eventually bless me with...and there is absolutely no way I would have an abortion! 
As to how many...again if God blesses me once, twice, or five times I don't care I will be happy no matter what cause I believe children are just perfectly wonderful!...no wonder I'm going to be a primary school teacher! 

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

New Year's Resolution slash Challenge

So here's the deal. I figured I need a reason and an enticing reason at that to continue this blog on into the new year. I realised this for a number of reasons. 1. I don't have a lot of followers or readers which can cause a writer to start thinking that there is no real point in writing stuff like this at all. 2. I am starting to run out of ideas of things to write about... it's not that I don't have a million thoughts running through my head it's just I don't think I have interesting or worthwhile things to write about out of those thoughts. So I have struck upon an idea (with the help of my wonderful boyfriend) to start up my New Year's Resolution a week beforehand and to write about it. My new year's resolution is more like doing a challenge from week to week rather than giving something up or doing something more. See I'll come up with a challenge that I have to complete within the week or continue it throughout the week and to write about it and share it with you my dear readers. For example, (in case you still don't understand) my first challenge will be to not be negative about the LAN party my boyfriend is going to for a whole week. I'll explain more about this later but right now I have to go get some shut eye because my birthday is tomorrow and I'm working. So Goodnight!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Joy To The World...

Well here it is the week had finally arrived. Christmas celebrations are about to hit me and I'm working for most of it and missing my boyfriend terribly. But what's this? I still manage to have a smile on my face!? Why do I have that you may ask when everything seems to be set on ruining my Christmas this year? Even me slicing my finger on mum's self bought Christmas present (A fancy schmancy slicer/grater thing) the day she bought it hasn't brought me down that much. Albeit I am a little sad but I will never let all this get to me fully so that my Christmas is ruined entirely because this is JESUS' birthday. The time when we celebrate the day that God sent his one and only Son to this earth to save us all from our sins!
Well I'm here sitting at this computer trying to think up something really clever to write about but that pretty much was it. That God loves us so much that He sent His one and only Son to us to die for our sins. But when you think about it that is a pretty significant thing to proclaim in this humble blog. God didn't just send his Son to save those who were good and thought themselves perfect. He sent Him so that EVERYONE can be saved and be welcomed into His family! And when you think about all the horrible things you have done you too will see (as have I) how wonderful this message is. So I pray that you dear reader this Christmas will endeavour to find peace with God. Go to a church service and hear God's message of love and accept it personally as a direct message from God alone!
I hope you have enjoyed hearing my thoughts on what I think are the important aspects of Christmas are and I hope you have a blessed Christmas! Peace on Earth, Good will among men!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

We Wish You A Merry Christmas..

OH MY GOSH!!!! I just looked at my schedule for writing these blog posts. I have only this one and the last post to write!!!!!!!! and that means.....DRUM ROLL PLEASE! it's so close to Christmas! Yay!
So on to the topic. The family times!
let's get together yeah yeah yeah
we can have lots of fuuunn!...
ahem sorry. That was the first song that popped into my head when I mentioned family. (btw if I start reciting lyrics again just keep in mind that I'm in a musical mood...for the entire month of December....actually no I'm usually in a musical mood...well just keep that in mind)
anyways! This week I found out that my family's Christmas is going to slightly be different in how we go about our celebrating. Instead of just having our usual Christmas eve dinner together we are going to my Uncle's and Aunty's for dinner and then coming home and opening our presents. I'm looking forward to this muchly! It means I get to spend more time with my cousins who I'm slowly seeing less and less of...which makes me sad cause I grew up with them.
I suppose I should come to some point of why I included family times in the list. That was because I think that if you spent Christmas alone it would not and can not be the most happiest time of the year. Celebrating requires at least two people!!!! (well according to me it does) Whether it is your biological or your Christian family I hope and pray that you have someone you can celebrate Jesus' birth with!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Unto us a Child was born...

Every year that I have been alive I have received presents at Christmas. But only about half of those have I realised what it means to give presents at Christmas time and what really Christmas is all about. Yes yes I realise that I am probably going over something I have mentioned in my earlier posts but this message is REALLY REALLY important!!!! God sent his Son...the first Christmas present if you like :) for us to be saved from our sins. And we celebrate this birth as our saviour coming. The reason....well the reason I see for us giving each other presents is to spread and show our love for one another as God showed His love for us in sending His  Son.
This year my family (by my prompting) we have had a jar where we place our spare change. And about two weeks ago we counted it all up and then sent the money off to buy Christmas presents for people in Third world countries. This is the first time we have done this and I hope it's the first of many. I love to think that we have contributed to someone's happiness and shared with them the Love of God through our simple gifts we give them.
My family's deal this year for Christmas present giving was that we could only buy our presents from Op shops and had to be under $10 for each person. This I saw as a challenge but also another way of showing our love for God by giving our money to charities. I have succeeded in finding wonderful gifts for my family members.
So as you see presents aren't just about receiving (I know I know this is a bit cliche but it's true) it's about giving and showing God's love to each other. It's also not about how much you spend.
Merry Christmas! God loves you!