
I'm Maija and I was born in December!
I hope you enjoy reading my thoughts on many topics!

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

What I'm REALLY good at

I asked my husband what I'm really good at because right now I can't think of anything I'm good because I feeling down and out.
His response was:

- Your job
- taking care of people
- keeping the house looking good
- cooking
- making people laugh
- kissing and hugging
- waking up and looking beautiful 5 seconds later
He finished with, 'Honestly, you are good at a lot of things!'

Very flattering and loving of him to say those things. I also can agree I am good at those things. Well almost all those things.

Right now thinking is difficult for me. I have known I've been pregnant for the last 11 weeks. Yesterday, my husband and I found out our little one has no longer got a heart beat and has grown past the 7 week size. Everything seemed to be going so smoothly until yesterday morning when I woke up to find my underwear the wrong colour.
This coming after last year's ectopic pregnancy. You would think that this would just break me. Well it hasn't. I don't know how but I am at peace and of course upset but somewhere in my mind I have this reassurance that God has a plan and He knows what He is doing.
I know that I will one day have at least one child. I don't know when but I will.
That is reassuring to me.
Now I suppose after writing this and forcing myself to think, I can realise that something I am really good at is, trusting God.
I hope I never lose the ability to do any of those wonderful things I am really good at. They all help me to pick myself up again after a tumble.

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