Monday – Arrived at school early to find ideas for my four-week
art unit I am to do with the students. Found some great ideas, which I will
post about on the day I do it, and hopefully post pictures too with them. I did
an English lesson with the Year 2 on Adjectives and how they create feeling in
stories. We had class photos which I got
to be in, felt odd being in them and I kept thinking of one of my own school
class photos where there was a prac teacher in it and how I could never
remember who they were. I don’t think these children will remember me sadly but
hopefully they will still learn something from my 6 weeks in their classroom.
Even if it is to sit still and stay quiet. Just joking, that’s not just what
they will learn. During lunchtime, my mentor teacher went home sick leaving me
with the afternoon session to teach. I had already been planning to do the art
lesson then so I planned to do that on top of reading a story and organising
the show and tell section of the afternoon. It went well in my mind…considering
all the possible bad things that could have taken place. The worst problem I
did not know what was happening inside the classroom while I was outside with
the small group who were painting their colour wheel. Overall the day went
according to plan and fairly well. Tomorrow it seems I may be on my own without
my mentor teacher and without a substitute teacher. Tomorrow I will learn how
important teacher aides are in the classroom!
Tuesday – Arrived at school to hear the good news that a
Substitute teacher had been found for the day…phew! She had never been to this
school but she turned out to be very good and I did end up running a few
lessons anyway. Today I learnt how to team-teach and I loved it. If only there
were enough teaching spaces available as well as teachers to have two teachers
per classroom! That would be so ideal!
Wednesday – Not much really happened today…the days this
week are feeling a bit the same now…I just want the students to hurry up and
finish writing out ‘Goldilocks and the three bears’ which we wrote together as
a class. We started on Tuesday. I got the year 2’s who had finished writing it
to type it up.
Thursday – Still writing and typing….yawn…I couldn’t get any
actual teaching instruction in today or yesterday but that’s ok…made it more
relaxing for me but I kind of want them to move faster…can I say that? Lol Oh
well…patience Maija. The best thing I got to do today was maths activities with
the Preps…so my second year subject (EDU341) came in handy with activities that
check for maths skills. Such as subitising, counting on and naming the numbers.
So I was pleased that I was actually able to use the knowledge that I had
learnt at uni!
Friday – My teacher left early today again…but it was just
during lunch and the next part was music with the PE/Music teacher so I didn’t
have to do much. But before that I was still supervising my lesson on
‘Goldilocks and the three bears’ while the students were still writing and
typing. I plan that next week they will be doing something different.