
I'm Maija and I was born in December!
I hope you enjoy reading my thoughts on many topics!

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Happiest moment in my week

Yesterday my husband and I went for a walk (Yes it included Pokemon) in a nearby park. We regularly plan time together which we call 'marriage time.' This is purposely planned time to spend together and to work on our marriage. As we do plan for it each week it means that we rarely have to have a serious chat on these days as we usually feel close enough during the rest of the week to do that. However, it still allows time for those serious chats to happen.
This week was his turn to plan. He decided that we would go for a nice walk and continue on our Pokemon quest. We are playing it together on one account so it brings us together even more. It took a bit for us to sort out our selfish qualms in wanting to be the one to hold the phone, but we have peacefully resolved that issue and love playing it together!

Anyways, back to the main topic of my happiest moment. Well each week my happiest moment is marriage time! I love planning our time and working out what we can do each time. I love that it means my husband plans dates, which doesn't come naturally for him but it gets him thinking. I don't mind the simple dates because usually it allows for more talking and spending time together.

This coming week is my turn. I have decided that we will have some fun out and about at a local arcade and play some games together. We love all things nerdy and have found going to arcades as a good and fun way to spend time together. I might even organise a little competition for the day!
I have a Pinterest board that I have collected ideas for date nights and my favourite website has hundreds of ideas (datingdivas) for all kinds of dates.

If you have a partner or spouse make sure that when you are planning time together it does suit both your interests, or at least that you share the times to cover both interests!

Comment below with your best date ideas!

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