
I'm Maija and I was born in December!
I hope you enjoy reading my thoughts on many topics!

Thursday, November 7, 2019

A letter to my future self

Dear Future Maija,

Congratulations! You are a mum! Don’t forget how special that is! Past self (me) is enjoying caring for our son. Currently he is 1 month old! God has seriously blessed you! Go cuddle Joey now. Tell him you love him and That God loves him too. Motherhood is hard as you already probably know, but you are doing a great job and don’t give up.

If you’re not already you should be going  and doing some things for yourself. Light a candle, read a book, do one of your hobbies of sewing, baking or craft. Take some time to yourself!

Don’t forget your husband. Nathan needs your love and affection. You love him because he takes care of you, he loves your son and he is simply the best. So go and give him a hug and kiss him and tell him you love him.

 I hope the future is as good as it is at the moment but if it’s not do all the above and see how you go. Don’t forget God is always there for you. Pray and talk to him. God loves you.

Lots of love from your past self,
