
I'm Maija and I was born in December!
I hope you enjoy reading my thoughts on many topics!

Monday, May 30, 2016

Quote It!

My current favourite quote is this:

I have spent most of my developing years discovering what makes me happy. God, bright colours, animals, good books, friends and family all make me happy. I have spent almost the same amount of time developing good friendships and being quite choosy who I will spend my time with. Only because I want to spend time with people who I know will make me feel happy and so in turn I can make them happy. If people are negative or degrading I will not tolerate them because I hate feeling blue. (Although I love the colour!) 
If people are always looking for an argument and to pick a fight they will find it. I want the opposite; peace and happiness. So I search for it and I find it! 
Of course I will encounter people who do make me upset but I don't put up with them. I encourage them to be happy and positive and it is up to them to decide to change or stay the same. If they don't change I spend as little time as possible with them, but every time I am around them I will be positive and uplifting so as to encourage that behaviour. I don't see any harm in this approach as it is my choice who I spend time with.

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