
I'm Maija and I was born in December!
I hope you enjoy reading my thoughts on many topics!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Jack Frost nipping at your nose...

ok so that was the closest I could find to reference to the smell of Christmas in a carol...lol a reference about noses!
Well I suppose you are all kind of thinking I'm weird to be talking about the smell of Christmas...but seriously think about it! Our sense of smell is one of our primary senses and I think you all have a memory scent or two that link to Christmas. Such as the smell of Summer on the way (there is no other way for me to explain this sorry) and Jacaranda trees blooming (I love this smell, cause it also tells me school is nearly finished!) tell me that Christmas is coming...and this comes in October! That is why I am always getting excited about Christmas so early on in the year.
There are other smells just as important that link my thoughts to what Christmas is about and like. Such as the smell of Christmas wrapping paper...and not just any wrapping paper...it's that old style stuff not the new stuff! Then there is the smell of baking and cooking where you cook those good old family favourite recipes that you have used each year when preparing for Christmas!
I love it when one of these scents surprises me and instantly I think about Christmas and smile!

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